The LG Optimus One line will never die. I have a feeling that one day, far into the future where apes control the planet and man is farmed like livestock, The little Optimus that could will still be going strong and folks will be hacking them with their stubby, apish hands. As proof, I offer Android Developer drewwalton19216801's CyanogenMod 10 (Jelly Bean) port for the Optimus S.
It's not perfect, as Drew puts it "There will be bugs, and things may crash from time to time", and the usual suspects like camera and MMS still need some work, but I'd wager that more than a few of the folks using and loving the Optimus S will be more than happy to run this as their daily driver.
We're still waiting for Ice Cream Sandwich on some of last years best phones (hello there, HTC Rezound) but this is proof positive that a little bit of source code and some awesome developers can make magic happen. Whether you're using the Optimus S, or just a fan of all things awesome, hit the link below and have a look. Be sure to give Drew a little well-earned love!
CyanogenMod 10 port for the Optmus S

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