Thursday, January 24, 2013

Engadget Expand Speakers, Round Two: Four more reasons you need to be there!

Engadget Expand Speakers, Round Two 4 more reasons you need to be there!
If you caught our first speaker announcement last week, you know by now that we're not referring to woofers and tweeters on our Expand stage this March -- nay, we we will have real live humans speaking words of inspiration and insider knowledge about the most interesting trends and topics in the technology world today. Beyond our hands-on exhibition floor and the Insert Coin hardware competition (have you gotten your entry in??), there will be two whole days of stage programming to get you fired up at Expand. We're excited to announce the next batch of speakers in the Expand lineup:

  • Julie Uhrman: Founder and CEO, OUYA
  • Veronica Belmont: Co-host, Tekzilla
  • Walter de Brouwer: CEO and Founder, Scanadu
  • Gene Munster: Research Analyst - Devices & Internet, Piper Jaffray

Those fine folks will join Chris Anderson (CEO, 3D Robotics and former EIC, Wired), Ryan Block (co-founder, gdgt), Scott Croyle (VP of Design, HTC), and Avi Reichental (President and CEO, 3D Systems) at San Francisco's Fort Mason on March 16-17 -- and you should be there! You'll still got plenty of time to pick up your Early-bird tickets and join us for the big event.

As always, stay tuned for more nuggets of goodness from the upcoming agenda, and be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to be the first to hear any Expand-related news.

Don't Forget...

  • If you're a company that would like to work with us on an exhibition or sponsorship level, please drop us a line at sponsors *at* engadget *dot* com (DIYers and small startups, please ask us about our new Indie Corner option!)
  • If you're interested in speaking at the event, please contact expand *at* engadget *dot* com to inquire
  • If you're a member of the media interested in covering Expand, please contact engadget *at* for more information.

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